Dr Bridget Scott B.M, B.cH, Lic. Ac
Traditional Acupuncture
Bridget is a qualified G.P. specialising in Acupuncture since 1981. She is registered with the British Acupuncture Council.
Chinese medicine, (of which Acupuncture is a branch) is a complete system of diagnosis and treatment and as such is able to treat a wide range of conditions. It is also widely used as a preventative measure. Regular Acupuncture treatment can help maintain good health.
Bridget treats in a variety of ways. In some cases, a short course of eg. 3 or 4 treatments will resolve a musculoskeletal problem. In others, a longer course will help settle a range of functional disorders, while some patients find an occasional treatment over a long time period is helpful in supporting energy levels and general wellbeing. Bridget also uses Acupuncture in pregnancy and for fertility related problems.
Bridie Shaw BSc (Hons), Lic Ac
Bridie Shaw received her BSc (Hons) and Licentiate in Acupuncture in 2016, from The College of Integrated Chinese Medicine in Reading, UK, where she learnt a combination of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Five Element Acupuncture. This comprehensive course gave her the knowledge and skills to be able to address acute symptoms, chronic conditions and underlying constitutional factors equally in her practice.
Patients may come for a short series of sessions to ease or
resolve an acute pain / discomfort or stress, a longer series to
support healing in the function of a body system/s or an aspect of
their inner experience, or for maintenance visits to support the
prevention of disease and optimise wellbeing.
Common complaints Bridie works with (usually presenting in a combination) are: fatigue, stress and burnout; digestive, detoxification and elimination problems; headaches and musculoskeletal pain; gynaecological, perimenopausal and fertility challenges; mental-emotional and relational difficulties; and more.
Bridie has a particular interest in women's cyclical health and
empowerment, completing the Menstruality Leadership Programme in
2022, with Red School, UK. She has made accessible a foundational
understanding of the energetic, biochemical and psycho-spiritual
processes through the menstrual cycle in her illustrated book (and
practical guide) Live Your Nature Through Your Cycle. Bridie
incorporates this awareness into her practice where
Bridie is fully insured and a member of The Acupuncture Society.
Acupuncture links:
British Acupuncture Council: